The most Ancient Astronomical Map in the World

Ancestral Calendar, Original Myth, the Final Frontier
by Pedro de Eguiluz, All rights reserved © 2018

The most Ancient City in the World

In 2007 I identified a temple shaped like a human face wearing an eagle hat. More than three miles long and one and a half wide, exceeds in size any other known ancestral construction.
We observe the human profile, its realism causes us to forget that it is a huge mountain. Wears blinders associated with Tlalok. His gaze is a compass that indicates the West. The center of the eye is located at coordinates 17.39.28N and 99.09.24W.

The Oxtotitlan Caves, in the low mountain of Guerrero, are the jaws of an immense temple shaped like a Jaguar head, more than 650 yards of front and more than 2 miles deep. The feline wears a Snake Mask, which transforms into the Human Eagle's hat.
On the northern edge of the cave, a portion of the jaguar's jaws is a sculpture of a bearded human wearing an eyeglass alluding to Tlalok. Woven on his face, a detailed Monkey, our ancestor. Each head is a sound and together are a sacred song.

We observe the vertical wall that elevates over the Oxtotitlan caves. A huge amate, allows us to calculate that the sculpture of the bearded human is more than 60 feet high. On the south side of the cave is a huge face in negative, over it is the painting of the Human Eagle-Jaguar-Snake. His jaguar hand holds his jaw, alluding to zero and the beginning of a cycle.

Oxtotitlan is a palace of Magi, masters of the occult. This is confirmed when we visit the caves. The guardians of these, tell us that the first comment of almost all visitors, after walking through the place is: "There is nothing here. We only see the painting of the Ruler." At that moment, the guard in turn points out the dozens of paintings that go unnoticed to the untrained eye.
This may seem somewhat irrelevant. However, hundreds, thousands of sculpted works of art, painted and formed with inlays of colorful rocks, have gone unnoticed even to the most trained eyes. Some of the most sophisticated petroglyphic art in history. How is this possible?
The reason is that this art is very delicate, sophisticated, hidden; as the nature of the knowledge of its builders. A second circumstance is that it was made to be seen at sunrise and sunset, when the depth of the shapes, the 3d, sprouts. Associated to different times of the year, which reinforce the symbolism forged in stone.
I find a third reason, however, is a bit complex to explain. I suspect that the forms have the indirect function of affecting how we observe our surroundings. A training to increase attention. Having to adjust the look, leads us to activate aspects of brain functioning that promotes the management of the subtle, Teomania, Meditation.
From Acatlan, we walk a little more than 2 miles to reach the caves of Oxtotitlán. We look around, confuse the shape of the rocks with whims of nature. However, they are part of a huge mountain temple. We observe without focusing and allow our eyes to adapt. Large human faces with features of jaguar and other animals of the wheel of 20 symbols in the Stone of the Suns, show us their profile.
The symbols are large temples, full of small caves for individual meditation and platforms for group ceremonies. Each curve, each angle has an astronomical purpose.

The faces look at the four directions, assuming the form of their four guardians. Each part of the face: mouth, eyes, nose is another smaller symbol, producing a configuration of holographic symbols that expands to the immense and the smallest.
In the history of the American continent, the great ceremonial centers appear a little more than 5,000 years ago. Places like Caral, Tikal or Teotihuacan, are remembered as the largest metropolis. However, they are insignificant in size and architectural complexity, if we compare them with mountain temples. Which can only be understood as the product of an advanced ancestral civilization that we forget.
The southern limit of the human wearing an eagle mask, leads us to the Temple of Snakes. Where blocks of tens of feet form snakes of immense sizes. Each segment of the time snake is a great face. The reptile's head is formed with a jaguar face and another canine. The jaguar snake and the dog snake are flags of the chargers of the bearings.

Inspecting the jaws of the temple, I located a small palace about 40 inches high, designed so that snakes can feed on the rodents of the place. Formed by immense blocks, built as legos.

The Temple of Snakes is full of thrones for astronomical observation. From one of them I managed to capture with a camera an astronomical map of tens of feet, sculpted discreetly in the mountain. I clearly observed white dots that form constellations. Stand out Sirius, Orion and Pleiades.
During the review of the shots, I detected a date of the solar calendar used in ancient Mexico. Since the date is aligned with the Pleiades. I identified that it was the celebration of a New Fire, when the Seven Sisters cross the night zenith. Since this event, occurs once a year and every 72 years moves a degree. Is perfect to identify which day the map commemorates. The date is Day One Flint Year One Snake. The last time the zenith passage of the Pleiades coincided with this calendrical record, was may 24, 10690 BC. What points that the Precious Jewel is the oldest city in the world. And that America was inhabited by highly developed human beings, much sooner than anyone had suspected.

25,680 years Speed of the Precession Cycle of the Equinoxes
The Earth has two rotational movements, the 24 hour period being the best known. However also rotates, slips on its own movement, for just under 26,000 years. Phenomenon we call the Precession of the Equinoxes. Where the constellations move in reverse as we see them daily.
In Jerusalem, during the year of 1177, a memorable battle happened. 500 Knights Templar defeated 26,000 soldiers of King Saladin. The rapporteur of the legend describes the cycle of New Fires, where each knight defeats 52 soldiers.
The New Fire mechanism indicates that between the date indicated on the astronomical map in Oxtotitlán, Guerrero, 10,690 BC and the end of the fifth Sun in 2078 AD, 12,769 years pass. Currently the event, associated with the annual zenith of Pleiades, takes place during the night of November 19 to 20. The date on the map indicates May 24, between both dates 179 days pass. So by dividing 12,769 by 179, we get 71,3351 years, time in which the celestial dome moves one degree. We multiply 71.3351 by 360 to obtain 25.680.6703 years, the speed of the precession cycle of the equinoxes, the time in which constellations rotate 360 ​​degrees.

Name of the Day, Sacred Account 13 X 20 = 260
The Sacred Account is responsible for naming the days. Mechanism formed by the interaction of two wheels, one of 13 numbers and another of 20 symbols, which produce 260 combinations. Nahuas called this mechanism Tonalpowalli and Chuenilkin the Mayans.
The combination of a number from 1 to 13 and one of the 20 symbols, we call Tonalli, Luminous in Nahuatl. This system runs out after 260 days, producing a mismatch of 105 days with the year of 365, which is completed, reset every 52 years.
The wheel of 20 Symbols in Nahuatl is called Senpoalkalli "unit of the account of houses", and is the wheel of Life-Death-Renaissance. The sequence of 20 symbols is as follows:
Number, English, Nawatl, Maya
1 Dragon, Sipaktli, Imish
2 Wind, E’ekatl, Ik
3 House, Kalli, Akbal- Night
4 Lizard, Kuetspallin, Kan
5 Snake, Koatl, Chikchan
6 Death, Mikistli, Kimi
7 Deer, Masatl, Manik
8 Rabbit, Tochtli, Lamat
9 Water, Atl, Muluk
10 Dog, Itskuintli, Ok
11 Monkey, Osomatl, Chuen
12 Grass, Malinalli, Eb
13 Reed, Akatl, Ben
14 Jaguar, Oselotl, Ish
15 Eagle, Kuau´tli, Men-Moon
16 Vulture, Kokakuau´tli
17 Movement, Ollin, Kaban
18 Flint, Tekpatl, Edsnab
19 Rain, Kiawitl, Kawak - Storm
20 Flower, Shochitl, Ajau - Lord

General History of Sahagun presents the complete sequence of 260 combinations, starting with One Dragon and ending at Thirteen Flower.

Name of the Year, New Fire 13 x 4 = 52
"They counted the years four by four. And when they reach thirteen, they have it for a great year. Four times thirteen, which is fifty-two, they called this Age. When it turned fifty-two years, they put this story with their past. So on, they count everything in succession of four years, then thirteen to fifty-two, and then fifty-two in fifty-two. " Theogony and History of Mexicans, informants of Motolinia.
The people from Anawak name the years according to a cyclic calendar of 52 combinations, which is created when we multiply 13 numbers by 4 symbols. The four seals are the chargers of the year, which arise in the form of a cross, from the wheel of 20 symbols. Each wheel of Tameme, Chargers, has a duration of 10 cycles of 52, producing 520 years. Five Wheel Loaders make up 2,600 years, two of these wheels make 5,200, One Sun. Five Suns, 500 cycles of 52 produce 26,000 years, the ruler we use to measure the Precession Cycle of the Equinoxes.

The New Fire is signaled by the nocturnal zenith passage of the Pleiades. Event that occurs once a year. Every 520 years, there is a big celebration associated with the change of chargers.

The beginning of each cross is calculated in:
2078 - Snake / Dog / Eagle / Flower
1558 - Lizard / Water / Tiger / Rain
1038 - House / Rabbit / Reed / Flint
518 - Wind / Deer / Crooked Grass / Movement
2 BC - Dragon / Death / Monkey / Vulture
522 BC - Snake / Dog / Eagle / Flower
1042 BC - Lizard / Water / Tiger / Rain
1562 BC - House / Rabbit / Reed / Flint
2082 BC - Wind / Deer / Crooked Grass / Movement
2602 BC - Dragon / Death / Monkey / Vulture
3122 BC - Snake / Dog / Eagle / Flower

The beginning of each Sun is:
3,122 BC - Fifth
8,322 BC - Fourth
13,522 BC- Third
18,722 BC - Second
23,922 BC - First

The year 2019 corresponds to the fourth Wheel of Loaders, Lizard / Water / Tiger / Rain, and its combination is Three Water, year 5141 of the Fifth Sun. So the year 2020 will be Four Jaguar / Tiger, 5142 of the Fifth Sun, which concludes in 2078. Starting the next wheel Snake / Dog / Eagle / Flower.

Correlation of the New Fire and the Current Calendar

The pyramids, the temples in ancient Mexico, are physical representations of the New Fires cycle, so a new and larger one was built every 52 years over the previous one. This constructive system can be appreciated in the Main Temple of Mexico City and in Teopanzolco, Cuernavaca.
In the year 1507, the last bundle of 52 New Fires was celebrated, the ninth of a group of ten of the House wheel. So that year the last renovation of the Tenochtitlan Main Temple was presented. As well as the Stone of the Suns, the famous Aztec calendar. 1507, corresponds to the year 2 Reed.

“This is the tether number nine, which occurred in the year 2 Reed (of 1507), according to the old calendar.” Tezozomoc, Cronic Mexicayotl

“The last solemnity they made (the Mexica) of this New Fire was in the year 1507. The year 1559 ended the other sheaf of years, which they called Ximmolpilia. In this they did not make public solemnity, because the Spaniards were already on this land.” Sahagun, General History

Correlation of the Solar Account and the Gregorian Calendar

To know what relationship kept the solar account in Anawak with the European account at the time of the conquest, we resort to the Tenochtitlan equation. Set of dates registered in both accounts, Julian and solar from anawak. These allow us to develop both calendars in parallel. What we get from this relationship is that the charger of the year coincides with the solar zenith step at 18 degrees.

“He arrived (Cortes) in Tenochtitlan in the month of Quecholi, on a day called 8 Wind.” (Informants from Tlatelolco)

“We remained (in Mexico) from November 8 (1519) until May 1520.” (Relationship Letters II)

According to the sequence of New Fires, the year of 1519 was called 1 Reed. The Informants of Tlatelolco, indicate that it was an Eight Wind day, while the invader identifies the Julian day November 8.
According to the operation of the Sacred Account of 260 days, between the Tonal 1 Reed, the charger of the year and the Tonal 8 Wind, 189 days pass. November 8 Julian, corresponds to November 18 Gregorian. We associate the Tonal 8 Wind to November 18 and obtain that the Tonal 1 Reed, the name of the year, corresponds to the day of the Sun's first zenithal pass around the latitude of 18 degrees.
In the context of the solar calendar, the sacred 260-day calendar allows us to identify the day of the referred year. The key to identifying the day is the name of the year, the Tameme, Charger, which is related to the first zenithal pass of the sun by latitude 18 degrees. In 2019 happens on May 12.

¨ Why did the people of Anahuac chose Julian May 3 (or its equivalent, Gregorian May 13) as representative of the year? For astronomical reasons: on that day, the Sun passes through the center of the sky at the latitude of 18 degrees north - which we will call hereafter “eponymous latitude” or denominator -, establishing an axis perpendicular to the Earth's surface, described symbolically a like a central tree or loader tree.¨ Frank Diaz, Anawak Calendar

Adjustments to the Solar Account

This mechanism is kept in sync with the solar cycle, through two settings. Adding one day every four years, as we do now. As well as an anti-leap adjustment, subtracting four days from the account when the Wheel Loader rotates, every 520 years

‘’ Jesus, once again deeply moved, came to the grave. It was a cave with a stone at the entrance. "Remove the stone," he said.
"But, Lord," said Marta, the sister of the dead, "there is a bad smell right now, because he has been there four days."
Then Jesus said: "Didn't I tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"
John 12.8

Saint Lazarus of the four days, is a symbol of the calendrical setting that today we call reverse-leap-adjustment. Every 520 years, we subtract four days to the account, which produces an accuracy of the solar year, almost three times greater than the Gregorian system used today.
It is worth mentioning that the birth of Christ in year -1, since year 0 was excluded from the historical records, indicates the Change of Chargers from the Fifth Wheel Flower to the First Dragon.
The mechanism also performs a leap adjustment of one day every four years.

¨ They have a perfect year like ours, 365 days and 6 hours. Divide it into two ways of months, of 30 days called U, which means Moon, which was counted from when it came out new until it didn't appear.
Another way of months had 20 days, which they called Uinal Hunekeh, of these had the entire year 18, plus five days and six hours. Of these six hours a day was made every four years, and thus they had four in four years a year of 366 days. ¨ Diego de Landa, Relationship of the Things of Yucatan

1038 - 1558 - Wheel - House / Rabbit / Reed / Flint

Codex Borgia

The Borgia codex, in its plate 71, shows us the two posts of creation, the North, represented by the Sun sitting on its throne. Each flag represents the planets that accompany it, alluding to the synchronization with the account. The South is the Vulture, which represents Saint John the Baptist. Hence it is beheaded. The open jaws of the dragon, the earth, is the plate on which his head is placed.

The solar calendar confirms this reading. At the top, One Reed, indicates the year, which is highlighted by a triangle, the shield of David, mythical symbol of the solar calendar. We place this date of the sacred calendar on the day of the charger of the year, the first solar zenith step by 18 degrees, on May 12. In the lower part of the throne, we observe the Four Movement day, which counted from the charger of the year, gives us 224 tonal or calendar days. Which points to December 22 of the year 1467 AD. June 24, of the year One Reed, corresponds to the Tonal Vulture, representing Saint John, the Magician King, who rules the night. The scene represents the battle and sacrifice, between our thoughts and desires. The phenomena, the jaguar that feeds conscience with the voice of the sacred song, represented by the practitioner who sits to meditate. August 23 is indicated by the Moon, since that day is Four Eagle, equivalent to Moon in the Maya account. Noting the cycle change within the year. The Tonal Vulture falls 43 days from the charger of the year. During 65 days, a cycle associated with Venus, St. John will give his message, until his head is cut off on August 29, so his reign concludes the previous day, which in the calendar is Five Dragon, which is indicated in the Sipaktli tray or jaws, we distinguish five points, which mark the day. For 116 days, the divine messenger, mercury, will rule. The date commemorating the work, on December 22, indicates three days before the 25th, day of the birth of the Avatar, hero of humanity.

Bourbon Codex

"... the world was to end at the end of one of these sheaves of years; and they had a prognosis or oracle that then the movement of the heavens would cease, and they took the movement of the Cabrillas (the Pleiades) by signal the night of this party, which they called toxiuh molpilia; in such a way that the Cabrillas were in the middle of the sky, at midnight. " Bernardino de Sahagun

The Bourbon codex shows Shipetotek, master of renewal, in page 14. We observe two tonal or sacred account cycles connected to his feet. Between them the symbol of the zenith passage of Pleiades. The next page shows us, the celebration of the New Fire, in the year Two Reed, 1507 AD.
Four Movement, associated to the right foot, is November 13 and zenith passage of the Pleiades of 1507 AD. 38 days later, Three Eagle, is December 21, winter solstice. A third date, aligns with the shield, One Dog. It indicates the cycle of 80 days prior to December 25, during which the wise elders fasted; performing nightly meditations on the mountain. The Pleiades are the jewel on the crown. Alienated to Orion and Sirius, they point out the Apocalipse, the process of renewal of humanity.

The most Ancient Astronomical Map in the World

Sirius, Orion and Pleiades aligned in the same way as modern astral maps. The constellations of at least three feet long, form a work of art of tens of feet. Just because of its size, is magnificent, however two symbols aligned under the Pleiades indicate the New Fire, the renewal associated with the Venus, Earth and Celestial Dome Cycle. A flint marks the day, while a snake with a point is the year, since it has a bundle.
Day One Flint, Year One Snake, may 24, 10690 BC

Every glyph of the wheel of 20 symbols, associated with a bow or knot, is a date that indicates the year, as well as the name of May 13, which will always be the name of the year. It is worth mentioning that since this calendar uses leap settings, as we do now, the loader can move one day; depending on its place in the four year cycle. A second adjustment in which we subtract four days, every 520 years also produces a four-day movement in the mechanism, so depending on the date, between May 8 and 13, it indicates the beginning or end of the cycle.
May 13, 609, was recorded as the most significant day of the year, when Boniface IV dedicated the Pantheon of Rome to the Virgin Mary, as well as all the saints. The final day of the celebration of Lemuria, it became the Celebration of all saints; which was altered by Gregory III, in the year 731, when transported to November 1. May 13 is the most important day of the year, due to its function as a loader of creation. Cyclic in nature, happens when the zenith passage of the star king crosses the latitude of 18 degrees, on his journey from south to north.
The power of May 13, is that as a charger of the year, it allows us to locate a date within the year. For which we turn to the sacred account the Tonapowalli of 260 days, a combination of a wheel of 13 numbers by another of 20 symbols. Between the Tonal One snake and the One Flint, there are 13 days. In the year 10690 BC, the charger was May 11, adding the 13 days we arrived to May 24. Being the only combination that coincides with the zenith passage of the Pleiades of the last 13 thousand years.

Domestication of the American Camel

Eight kilometers east of the oldest astronomical map in the world, in the partially unexplored cave of Pantitlan, the cave painting of two humans riding a camel is located. The red color and the erection of the camel, connect it with a rock art style more than 10 thousand years old. Which suggests that this may be the oldest evidence in the world, for more than 6 thousand years, of the domestication of an animal to ride. And of the existence of a great civilization in America, sooner than anyone had suspected.

The Ancestral Calendar book will be available in English and Spanish, starting Thursday, November 7, 2019. On paper in Amazons and digital in: Barnes and Noble, Rakuten Kobo, Apple Books, Scribd, Tolino, 24symbols, Overdrive, bibliotheca, Baker and Taylor, Hoopla and Amazons.


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Ancestral Calendar